Thursday, August 25, 1994

Touring London

London was great but a short stay. Here is a brief overview of the day.


Left the Queens Park hotel heading across Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park on a beautiful day.


Passed by Buckingham Palace on our walk and then headed off by Parliament area and spent time at Westminster Abbey.

Our hotel was basically in Bayswater and it was nice to be able to have the Park area to walk through on the way to all the tourist sites.


Dad really seemed to like Westminster Abbey. We then also heard from someone about the Churchill War rooms nearby and got some directions. This was a very nice surprise that we did not know about until talking to people on the street. There was a small entrance fee there and you then entered a basement bunker area into a series of underground bunkers and rooms where Churchill basically operated alot of the War command and status from. There were direct phone lines to Roosevelt (Washington) that we were shown.


Dinner at a pub, some ales, and then some late night talk and sleep. I being a very light sleeper combined with men who snore loudly in a shared room is not the best scenario for rest. I was so tired it did not really matter much at this point.

Got up got the rental car and said goodbye to London for the South where Dad had spent about five months in various towns preparing and training for Operation Overlord.



Next: Portsmouth